A series of online CONVERSATIONAL PRESENTATIONS with MICKEY at GLENMORE HOUSE 1, 2, 3 & 4 now complete with date and time of no. 5 to follow:
- The Garden Journey follows the making of the garden from the very beginning to today…over 30 plus years (completed 05 September).
- Inside/Out elaborates on the relationship between the vernacular buildings, interiors and the garden: how one influences the other, and vice versa, a story of vignettes through a decorator’s eye. (completed 12 September). Although each of these two stand alone, there are references between them.
- The Kitchen Garden an Introduction through design, layout, aesthetics, structures, rotation, companions, the magnificent cycle of seed and the beauty of soil, compost and tonics. (completed 26 September).
- The Kitchen Garden through the Seasons follows the cycle month by month from crop rotation to expiry. Glean a true understanding of seasonality and delight in the beauty and bounty of each moment. (completed 03 October). Although each of these two stand alone, there will be reference between them.
- Seasons, Food, Flowers & Life at Glenmore House time to rejoice in the joy and abundance of it all! (to follow…winter 2022).
Updating and expanding upon the book, the podcast and the talks Mickey has taken on the road. These presentations are comprehensive and some have said…inspiring! With time to elaborate over each topic, each session is approximately 2 hours in length. Allow additional time for Q&A.
With the ‘live’ presentations 1 – 4 now complete, I’d be happy to repeat them should you have a group of like-minded friends, garden Club or specific interest group, who would like to hear and view any of these online presentations ‘live via Zoom’ at a date to suit you.
Individual presentations: $66.00 or two $111.00 (minimum 6 participants)
If you have any questions, please contact me. Mickey