A veritable hive of activity…

Hello everyone,

I think you all know by now how I’m inclined to be impetuous: when it comes to a good and timely idea I simply cannot resist! 

Prompted entirely by the kitchen garden itself which is simply humming along (I’ve almost completed my part in the seasonal rotation process, so now it’s up to the plants themselves to continue my good work!) it’s a stage from which you can learn so much.

And so, I’d love to invite you to join me for a spontaneous AUTUMN MORNING WORKSHOP in THE KITCHEN GARDEN on SATURDAY 27 APRIL! 

This will be an ideal follow-up for all previous attendees although everyone is welcome.

We’ll look at the stragglers from last season, have a good look at what successional sowing, purposeful planting and self-seeding bring…from the main crops to the surprises…that only those who grow get to enjoy!

Whilst I say morning…I recognise we’ll come to an end around lunch-time’ish so there will be a little seasonal something for you to eat to stave off the hunger pangs as you hit the road! There’s seed to share…and a bounty of ideas to throw around (including taste combinations the garden is suggesting and which we’ll explore too).

All the details and the booking form are here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

How I hope you will join me, for a glorious autumn morning in the Kitchen Garden!

Warmest wishes


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