It’s hard to believe we’re still enjoying almost daily thunderstorms, and I’m beginning to wonder what it will be like to revert to a normal weather pattern!  It certainly takes the stress out of the daily watering programme, and growth is lush, wild and tantalising.

Over the last weeks I pulled first the red onions and then the brown.  The red bulbs formed well, while the brown are a bit elongated and not so full.  Not to worry…they still taste like onions and I’m grateful to have a supply!  We used the first ones at ‘Cooking the Glenmore Christmas Lunch’ last Friday. What fun for everyone to fetch them from the racks where they’re drying under cover (or would be if the atmosphere wasn’t so damp).  I’ll bunch them up after the next couple of good dry days & hang them up to store.

And then there were the last of the Lisbon lemons to pick.  With any luck, I won’t need to buy a lemon ’til the autumn….