Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
I imagine I’ll eventually tire of getting them out each day, but right now the vision of oriental parasols shading my hydrangeas from that scorching sun is bringing enormous delight (and so worth the 5 minutes of fiddling about morning and night!).
Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
Look who unfurled her exquisite petals this morning… anticipation of the heat ahead no doubt. What a treat, almost a whole year in the making…..
Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
Spikes of my favourite lavender, L. angustifolia reaching for the sun, swaying in the breeze, just as they should at this time of year….
Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
Today was the day….not a moment too soon, or too late: lantern-like seed capsules atop tall stalks have created such an enchanting vision these last weeks in the Borders, since their pink petals scattered on the breeze. But t’was time to collect these...
Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
The intensely fragrant canopy of Burmese honeysuckle who’s mound of golden flowers causes the laundry awning to almost groan under its weight is a short-lived vision, anticipated with such excitement each year. Its heady scent is wafting all around the house and...
Sep 20, 2021 | The Garden, Mickey's Blog
How I wish you were here today… plunge your nose into the deeply floral, honey perfume of Buddleija Black Knight’s first flush of the season’s blooms. Totally intoxicating. Lucky visitors who are coming today – better get my skates on...