What a glorious Sunday morning it was……I decided to collect all the elderflowers I could before they burned off in what looked to become a steamy day (it proved to be an apt decision!). And so they have been steeping in water & lemon juice, ready to make Elderflower cordial for this Friday’s Kitchen Gardening Day.
I first experimented with the Elder a few years ago, but couldn’t get it established at all. I finally struck the right spot and it took off, to my great delight. The flowers smell of English country lanes in high summer and are alive with droning bees.
BUT, to my horror early last year, I started to hear of myths that surround the Elder. It all began with: “Where is your second bush”? (What second bush?). ‘You know t’s bad luck to have only one”! (And this from a very sensible country woman). Well, no I didn’t, and so it had me running for the secateurs for cuttings & now I have two! (Am I superstitious I hear you say? – I do usually draw the line at not walking under ladders!).
Then I was told I must always ask permission from the Elder fairy to cut the flowers…..well REALLY!! But if you feel inclined to plant one, no TWO! – do some research – it does seem that the Elder has many a folkloric connotation. I think its all worthwhile – in the right spot it looks dreamy, smells like heaven AND its useful – just don’t tempt the fairies!!