I was delighted to attend a private view of David Harber’s wonderful sculptures, sundials & water features in a perfect garden setting in Bowral yesterday evening.  I have long ‘filed away for the future’, (read wishful thinking!), photographs of David’s work – his armillary sundials, obelisks & balls and was thrilled to see a handful of them in the raw.  Needless to say, I covet several!!

This exquisite bronze sphere was aglow from the inside (even on a dull evening), not because of any form of artificial light, but from its internal application of gold leaf.

And my favourite of all – one he calls The Dark Planet…… made of what David describes as “black puddle stones washed smooth from centuries of gentle erosion in river water”.
You can see many more examples of David’s work on his website:  www.davidharber.com or get in touch with me if you want to catch him and the exhibition before he returns to the UK!