The culmination of gallivanting was the fulfilment of a long-held desire to visit a garden in the Pentland Hills, not very far from Edinburgh. I can’t recall when I was first gripped by an image of Little Sparta, the garden created by artist & sculptor, Ian Hamilton Finlay. But it has stuck with me for a long time, and clearly I was meant to visit on this particular Sunday morning, two weeks ago, when the sky was clear as a bell, a gentle breeze whispered through the woodland trees, sunlight sparkled on the lake and all seemed right with the world.
Little Sparta is intricate, intriguing, inspiring, (full of moral, philosophical and poetic message) fused with the natural landscape….(and reached by a good trek up a farm path!).
This seems a good place to leave the ‘gallivanting’ blog posts behind. It was a sad farewell to bonny Scotland (and daughter) – this view enough to have me falling in love with the land of my husband’s early years all over again.