Wow….the little indicator tells me this is blog post no. 500!!!  Woohoo!  Whoever would have thought? What a lovely post for that milestone to coincide with: the Great Glenmore Garlic Harvest of 2014! 

I decided late on Sunday afternoon that the task of digging the garlic could not be delayed one moment longer.  They just looked ‘right’.  (All 120 or so….which ought to get us through most of the year ahead…).

I’d pulled a couple in the last weeks, to check if the bulbs had formed into separate cloves and I’ve been playing a wait & see game ever since.  New garlic is simply delicious and look how magnificent the heads are once cleaned of their soil!  The bulk of ours are now drying on a rack under cover.  I’ll plait them if I have a chance and otherwise I’ll tie them up into bundles as I usually do, then hang them in a cool, dark place.

For those of you who really don’t have the space or inclination to grow your own, I can’t recommend more highly that you get in touch with Patrice Newell, who grows the most fabulous organic garlic up in the Hunter Valley.  She packs her beauties into such well-presented boxes; apart from ordering enough to keep you in garlic for the months ahead, a box from Patrice makes a quite delightful present for any good or aspiring cook! (And you need to get in early….before she sells out…and I have it on good authority that she’s about to start posting any minute, so don’t miss your chance!).