Oh sad, sad, sad time…..the last of the broad bean harvest.
Broad beans really are a most obliging plant to grow: First there are the tender new shoots which are a pure delight – the taste of spring in the depths of winter & a treat for the gardener doing all the hard work (ie ME!). Then they come into wonderful flower, attracting myriad buzzing bees and perfuming the air in the late winter afternoon sun. Soon the flowers are followed by tiny beans in their pods – so scrumptious picked straight from the plant that very few make it to our kitchen!
Then the long harvest begins – & they appear with everything – scattered through risotto and pasta, mingled with spinach or cavolo nero and drifting in light spring soups.
Into the long haul – big pods, to be double peeled in order to enjoy the succulent little green bean inside, and before we know it, it’s time for broad bean smash scattered with mint & olive oil on sourdough, or even a piece of wholemeal toast. Stacey gave us the recipe on our spring Seasonal Cooking Day last year, and for the last couple of weeks I’ve had a bowl on the go and am enjoying lashings of it for lunch almost every day!
I have, however, come to realise why Italian families choose to keep their Nona living with them forever….you need someone to peel the beans! We all need someone sitting at the kitchen table, just podding away, with nothing else to do…….!! (Children can be helpful – to a point!!) Anyway, do make a point of planting them next year so you can enjoy the fun!