Late Spring/Early Summer in the Kitchen Garden

As petals wither and drop, newly pollinated blossom reveals tiny apricots in the making…

Hello everyone,

Whilst visions like this may have me dreaming ahead (think warm, sun-ripened, rosy-cheeked fruit) I am truly delighting in the present, as each new leaf and blossom unfurls, and my daily picking time is extended into perfumed sunset evenings (at least that is, when the wind isn’t howling!).

With a spring in my step and excitement in my heart, and knowing this will be a good time for new kitchen gardeners to make a foray into the growing realm, I am truly delighted to invite you join me for LATE SPRING / EARLY SUMMER in the KITCHEN GARDEN on SUNDAY 10 NOVEMBER

During the course of the year, many of you ask when the next kitchen gardening day might occur. I often can’t say ’til nearer the time, when I can gauge the season that is, and so therefore predict the optimum time for you to glean the most from such a day. Kitchen Gardening Days include a bountiful amount of information and I want to know that the garden and I are on track; as well as to give all participants time to get their own garden planted up for the season ahead, and to put all that information gleaned on the day into immediate action!

As always, I’ll be delighted to see anyone who has participated before (there’s always more to learn and visiting in a different season can add so much to your first-hand knowledge). My days are for old hands and new alike, as we learn by discussion, conversation and investigation, with living examples of all I’m explaining right before our eyes. So whether you’re underway, or starting from scratch…early November will be an ideal moment for you to begin or continue your very own kitchen gardening journey, so you can lead a garden-to-plate way of life. After all these years of doing so, I continue to believe that it’s a healthy, fulfilling and joyful way to live.

All the details and booking form are here and if you have any questions at all, please get in touch.

I’m dreaming of other exciting events in the pipeline too! We have just two spots left with Jeremy Valentine as he leads you up the The Stones’ garden path on Friday 27 September; and bookings are steadily trickling in for what promises to be a truly insightful day with The Garden Curator, Colleen Southwell, for her observations on creating a Neighbourly Garden on Sunday 06 October.

Other dates to watch out for with details coming soon:

SOFRA: a celebration with Sunday Kitchen’s Karima and Sivine, of their newly published book on Saturday 19 October

INDIA FLINT: an immersive two days over Thursday 14 & Friday 15 November

SAILING, a year on El Oro with MATILDA & RICHARD DUMAS on Friday 29 November

In the meantime, this year’s Botanical Water Distillations are about to begin and I have a Kitchen Garden to coax into the next season! News of Distillation and Field of Flowers Workshops are on the way – if your name is on the list I’ll soon be in touch, if it’s not, do please let me know if you’d like to join the fun!

Sending warm spring wishes to all,


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