Lavender Harvest

Lavender, sweet lavender…

Hello everyone,

I can hardly believe the year is drawing to a close...

And yet…

Whilst I was about to write you a little wrap of the year with festive wishes (they will come!) I got distracted and instead have been a-pondering…on lavender. And with good reason…just look at it shimmering in the evening light! To be honest, this is my favourite lavender moment, but it isn’t quite ready to least not just yet…

It was at the beginning of this year (having got the field well and truly humming) that I recognised literally on new year’s day, as Clemmie and I took to the field, secateurs in hand to begin our first real lavender harvest….that we were setting a new Glenmore tradition. Although I couldn’t have predicted at the time of planting that it would be the case, the first week of January (or close to as mother nature dictates) will forevermore signify the great GLENMORE LAVENDER HARVEST!

I cannot begin to convey what a glorious experience not just that first day, but the ones that followed were, immersed in a sea of lavender. Beginning early each morning in the shade of an umbrella, cutting stem by stem, we worked our way at a snail’s pace along our chosen row. The drone of bees accompanied a gentle easterly breeze and the lavender perfume lulled us into a bucolic stupour as slowly we snipped, tossing handful after handful of lavender stems onto old hessian sacks. When we thought we had enough, we collected our fragrant bounty and hauled it to the Dairy for further snipping, weighing and ultimately…distilling. How that big airy room filled with the pure, intoxicating perfume of just-picked lavender and I’m in no doubt those few days were some of the most magical we’ve experienced here! 

Whilst I’m not proposing that you join me on the actual very first day of January, I would like to invite you to join me very soon after (weather dependent) to experience the very next  GLENMORE LAVENDER HARVEST! 

Honestly? It’s one of those experiences you might travel the world for (at least if you’re a bit crazy like me and I know some of you are) and Glenmore is a bit easier to escape to than Provence! I know you’ll be thinking it’s time for the beach or to be slung in a hammock with a book…but peak lavender only lasts for a blip…so what a lovely distraction from predictable summer activities!

This is not the same as the ‘Field of Flowers’ workshops I recently mooted, which will happen in time, but that time is not right now as the roses are taking a little summer break. In similar fashion though, I ask that if you’re interested in joining a LAVENDER HARVEST WORKSHOP during the first (and/or maybe second) week of January (very much along the lines of what I’ve described above)  you contact me. Just pop Lavender Harvest in the subject and I’ll get back to you by return to hatch a plan!

On the day, you can pretend you’re a lavender farmer! Be prepared for a couple of hours of hot work; a field-picnic-inspired-seasonal-something to eat (back in the Dairy, under shade and at a table!) and then to follow, a swoon-worthy lavender filled afternoon of snipping and weighing and distilling. You will leave with (alongside other lavender treasure) your very own little bottle of pure lavender water…to spritz your face, your pillow or linen cupboard… having captured the pure essence of the flowers by your own hands.

There will not be many opportunities to join in this fun as the time for harvest is a very narrow window and the number of places will be limited too…each day for a maximum of 4 participants. Such a day might even make the perfect gift for someone near and dear…an experience on the near horizon to look forward to – now that’s my kind of heavenly idea!

There are more details on the website!

How I hope you’ll be tempted to join me for a day of pure, lavender-scented bliss! 

With very best wishes,


ps It’s true lavender…Lavandula angustifolia we will be harvesting and distilling (peeps keep asking me the variety in the field rows…and yes…it is the one we all wish we could grow!)

pps I do have Botanical Waters in stock if you would like to order: Rose Geranium, Orange Blossom and Lavender…the pure essence of each captured from here in the garden at its peak moment of viriditas. I intend to have a bottling day mid-next week, so head to the website to order and I’ll post in time for you-know-what!

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