Mickey’s Essential Dress

Time to frock up…

Hello everyone

I think it’s time to let the legs out of winter hibernation (although they might need a kiss of sunshine after being cooped up all winter long!). How I love to feel the swish of linen on bare legs after such a long stint in hiding! 

It must be a good dozen years since I released THE DRESS! A wardrobe staple worn by teens to eighties and all generations between…I know many of you own multiples, just like me. Whilst I tend to wear the ‘natural’ here and almost every day during the warm season, at this time of year I’m inclined to wear the navy if I’m off to the city (it’s a good, dark navy); whilst in the autumn I’m inclined to favour the grey. Occasionally I wear the black (though that batch was a one-off…I still have a couple in stock – they’re rather chic!). The dress was not designed to be a fashion statement…rather a timeless and effortless piece to throw on at the drop of a hat with no thought required (although it does pair well with my fine straw hat made by Axel Mano! I keep a few hats in stock here but the Axels are always happy to make and size to order).

The only change I’ve made to the design of the dress over time has been the length, which I lowered by a few centimetres from its first incarnation. These days it skims my knees (the pic on the website is the original, shorter version…sure I was younger then too!). 

It still has the raw selvedge detail to pleated cuff and hem, deep pockets and the back bracket, which makes fitting around the middle flexible with its two different button placement options.

It’s still made of 100% pure linen (one that’s woven tightly enough to keep its shape) and made in teeny batches in a professional Sydney workroom. All in all, it covers a multitude of imperfections, allowing you to move in comfort, with elegance and ease.

Just now I have stock across sizes XS, M, L & XL…all except S which for some reason this time around, had a sellout run! That’s not to say I have every colour in each size, so please check with me before placing an order. There’s a size chart on the website, so take out your measuring tape and see where you might fit…and I hope you’ll be tempted to add a Mickey’s Essential Work Dress to your own spring wardrobe!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

And don’t forget SPRING in the KITCHEN GARDEN next week on SATURDAY 09 SEPTEMBER. There’s a very keen small group coming along but I’ll  be delighted to see a few more kitchen-gardeners-to-be at this very timely moment in the season. It’s for anyone keen to learn about a kitchen gardening way of life…from seed to seed, garden to plate…and on the day, your plate will be full! All the details and the booking form are here.

Who knows…you might even be tempted to try a dress on for size! 

With very best wishes,


ps I’ve just taken a quick look back and realise I had the prototype dress made in 2012! It was made in a furnishing linen and pieced together to my design by lovely Elizabeth (who once made wedding dresses at her atelier in Paris from where she hailed but was working as a valuable seamstress with my Sydney curtain-maker at the time). Subsequently she made the pattern, which now resides with the Sydney fashion workroom who make the dresses in tiny batches for me today. Both the original (too heavy) and the sequel in denim (it made me feel like the tin man it was so stiff!) were soon dismissed as I searched for the ideal linen! I might pop some pics into an insta post so you can see how it’s travelled over time! 

pps a new image is coming to the webpage very soon!

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