Those of you who have attended Kitchen Gardening Days at Glenmore, know well of my passion for all garden structures, preferably made of wonky prunings from the garden here (or spectacular black bamboo from my friends nearby).  Be they tunnels, wig-wams, tee-pees or all those loose patterns I make, to compartmentalise different veg or delineate where I’ve sown seed – these structures form the aesthetic as well as the practical backbone of my Kitchen Garden.

I know that sometimes I’m inclined to be a bit extreme (this year I’ve labelled the fruit tree prunings so I know which they are once they’ve aged!), but I’ve also taken to keeping the twigs from my espalier pruning (for goodness sake!).  Rammed into the ground at the edge of these root veg, they are doing a fine job preventing the blackbirds from kicking the mulch all over the place (2 weeks on and its all still there!).