Spring really has now well and truly sprung, and this morning it’s simply intoxicating!

The drone of bees buzzing in the poppies, the heady scent of wisteria;  tunnels and wig-wams draped in peas of all kinds, while broad beans thrust skywards.  The plums are now in blossom, following the apricots and peaches, and clouds of  borage and rocket in flower resemble mini wild-flower meadows.  

The chooks cluck in their holiday house (making lighter work for me by scratching up the soil in preparation for planting next season’s veg), and last week we spread chook poo out in the paddocks (I have fingers crossed those predicted showers materialise this afternoon to water it in).  

With the smell of all this mingling together, no wonder I feel mildly dizzy!  Oh what a morning….