It began with just one or two, which I would present to Larry with great excitement….and then it was a ramekin dish full, and then a small bowl….over a period of a fortnight or so…..then I needed a colander, every three days, every two days, and now I can hardly believe it, but I’m picking this many every day!!

This is SO EXCITING!!  I’ve struggled for years, against all odds, as this really is not raspberry growing country.  But those of you who know me well, know I am quite doggedly persistent & at times stubborn. So I just had to keep on trying.  It’s 4 years since we made a dedicated raspberry bed, one since we caged it properly, and this is the result. Well, of course, all the rain has helped!!  

My great persistence is due to Larry’s growing up in a great raspberry-growing district in Scotland.  He buys and eats them by the punnet, and guards his hoard like a child!  If any of us tries to steal one we are likely to be wrapped over the knuckles with the back of a spoon! Which makes us all laugh & we make great fun of him!

But finally my persistence has paid off – he has declared the Glenmore raspberries to be as good as any he has EVER eaten!  And I am picking more than he can possibly eat in one day!!  Raspberry jam next??!!