Goodness gracious!!  What a week!  I’m sorry I’ve been out of action (to those who may have noticed!), but last Monday morning, when I turned on the computer, nothing happened.  NOTHING! Well….you can imagine.  We’ve all been there….  So last week was a complete & utter disaster on the communications front.  And now, a new computer later and I’m all fingers & thumbs with the new whizz-bang technology, it’s going to take me awhile to learn different methods & the sequence of events to do things.  Even this simple blog has had me stumped as to how to upload the images! And it isn’t sorted yet….(oh I would SO rather be in the garden!!!!).

Anyway, there is more to life than technology and plenty has been happening.  Friday’s Kitchen Gardening Day for a start, was tremendous.  But I’ll backtrack to that another time.  

On Sunday, I was just thrilled to attend Milkwood Permaculture’s Seed Circus in Redfern.  I was up early, collecting a basket load of rosemary, amaranth, wild rocket seed and jerusalem artichokes to take along & swap.  In fact, I got so distracted talking to lovely people rather than looking at what was on exchange, that I feel I swapped it all (in the spirit of the day!), for an insightful walk with Diego Bonetto in Prince Alfred Park, to learn about the good weeds beneath our feet.  (I felt this to be a very good, fair and valuable swap indeed!).

I so admire Milkwood’s social enterprise and permaculture philosophies.  I’m thrilled to have finally met Kirsten and I VERY much hope to see some of the MIlkwood team at Glenmore for a day some time soon….watch this space!