Updated I AM FOOD, Anthia Koullouros

Hello everyone,

How delighted I am to invite you to the next in my road to health via the garden path series of events and workshops. Intentionally following close on the heels of LATE SUMMER/EARLY AUTUMN in the KITCHEN GARDEN on SATURDAY 01 MARCH; is SOIL TO PLATE, I AM FOOD with ANTHIA KOULLOUROS on SATURDAY 15 MARCH.

Whilst we’ve run herbal remedy workshops with Anthia here in the past, I’ve invited her this time to really hone in on the simple principles for eating our way to health that can so easily be overlooked in the helter-skelter of everyday life: information that underpins our every day eating, and deriving the very best nutrition we can from what we choose to put into our mouths (which of course, begins with soil). I’m guessing that most of you reading along here (like me) are responsible for/or have influence over not only our own good health, but that of families – the young, aged and in between; and I believe the better informed we all are, the better we can each contribute to those in our wider community too.

It does no harm I think, to be reminded of good, sensible information from time to time! Last year, when Anthia released an updated version of her book I AM FOOD (first published in 2014), I promised myself to delve in during the first week of January, which I did. If you haven’t had the opportunity to quietly read Anthia’s wise words, to immerse in her unfathomable knowledge, how I encourage you to do so. Have I managed to incorporate all her principles into my life? No…I’m human! And although I don’t do too badly, I also know I could do​ better.

The opportunity to listen to Anthia, rather than just reading her words (I think) is such a golden opportunity. I could listen to Anthia for hours; she’s like a beautiful, walking encyclopedia, and as she speaks, little lightbulb moments flash across one’s mind! I’m inclined to believe that morsels of information absorbed in younger life, may have come at the expense of those not so relevant at the time; afterall we can’t absorb everything we need to know for all of life all in one go! So I reckon that as we travel on, we’re likely to be galvanised by new insights that may have passed us by first time around. Which is why I thought you might enjoy and value a gentle refresher – with the opportunity to put your hand up and ask Anthia questions while she’s here in real life! And especially at this young moment in the year, when we’re still fresh with hope and good intention. The lessons, the snippets you will likely take on board will have no deadline…they won’t lock you in to a timeframe…they will simply be information for life…at whatever stage yours might be.

On the day we’ll take a good turn around the garden at an opportune moment, so you can see what’s growing and will therefore likely be on the lunch table (alongside the soil it’s growing in). Garden inspection aside, Anthia will have a full programme to share with you during both morning and afternoon sessions. And she’ll bring a stack of copies of I AM FOOD along too, and no doubt some of her beautiful teas and tisanes.

How we hope you will join us. All the details and the booking form are here. 

I mentioned last week that if you’re contemplating real life-altering decisions, you might also want to attend my Kitchen Gardening Day on 01 March (it matters not whether your garden or garden-to-be is big, small, a community garden or one of your imagination). I’ve long wanted to follow up my own kitchen gardening day, where the focus is on the gardening aspect (and we tend to talk a great deal about food…alongside soil!) with one that underpins the health and nutrition aspect (where we will talk about soil…alongside food!). The two go hand in glove…they are...inseparable.  Of course you don’t have to attend mine in order to attend Anthia’s or vice’s just my way of trying to provide all aspects as close together for you as I possibly can, so you can cross reference! 

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions you may have. Anthia and I will so look forward to seeing you here for a gentle, joyful and immersive day, when we will celebrate: SOIL TO PLATE, I AM FOOD

With warmest wishes 


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