Spring Perfumery with The Raconteur

Of garden sprigs and candles….

Hello everyone

How I’ve been looking forward to releasing details of this year’s SPRING PERFUMERY & CANDLE MASTERCLASS with CRAIG ANDRADE, aka THE RACONTEUR on SUNDAY 22 OCTOBER!

It’s the only workshop of its kind in this year’s calendar and Craig and I are looking forward to it with a great deal of anticipation.

We’ve chosen a different date this time, which will yield different botanicals to explore. In fact that particular weekend is traditionally the most floriferous in the year…so the backdrop to the lunch table in the loggia ought to be a visual feast in itself.  

But let me tell you a little about how this scentillating day will unfurl!

We’ll begin with a little introduction and morning tea before setting off on a garden ramble…hats on, baskets and secateurs in hand (oh and my saw because Craig has taken a fancy to one very specific odour we can only access if I get stuck into the task of releasing it!). It’s inevitable everyone will end up carrying a little perfumed something…sprig, bloom, trailing length or posy…all of which will add up to a significant bounty…and what a vision we will make, with Craig at the front like the Pied Piper of Perfume leading us back to Dairy! It’s then that Craig will sort that magnificent collection of botanicals into fragrant family groups…in preparation for the afternoon’s perfume learning and candle masterclass.

I can’t wait to listen to Craig sharing his knowledge and perfume adventures which continue to grow exponentially.  The conversation and all-day open q&a is always insightful; the accompanying aromas, scents, perfumes and odours delightful.

We’d love for you to join us for this very special day. We believe it’s the only one of its kind anywhere!  All the details and the booking form are here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

With spring scented wishes,


ps here’s a little glimpse Craig captured between pit-stops at last year’s late spring perfumery!

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