Sprinter Update from Glenmore House

All set for Sunday’s Thankful for Soil lunch…

Hello everyone,

How delighted I am to see and hear first hand responses from yesterday’s Thankful for Soil event. The most repeated word peeps have mentioned is that they feel energised as a result of the day and are thinking on what they might do to apply some of the messaging to their own lives. Truly? I could not ask for more! It was a big day, the films were enlightening, inspiring and clearly set off little thought bubbles all over the room – certainly the noise level at lunchtime was quite a racket! With huge thanks to film maker Suzannah Cowley, soil guru Rhonda Daly, soil advocate, cook, farmer Emma-Jane Milosevic and local dairy farmers and cheese makers Andy & Liz Gowrie (make a beeline for Camden Market 3rd Saturday of each month and Cobbitty Market the 1st Saturday…regen farmers, passionate cheese makers, members of Sustainable Table, new find!).

Aside from a little soil recap (I’ll expand on that topic in this week’s Substack Post), there are a few things I’d like to mention!

How I encourage you to join us for this coming weekend’s LUNAR CULTIVATION WORKSHOP on SATURDAY 24 AUGUST with PHOEBE of ALCHEMILLA STUDIO. One of the topics of conversation on Sunday was how we continue to learn and apply different layers of knowledge to our growing process; and the ancient methods and wisdom used prior to the introduction of industrialised agriculture add a significant contributing layer. Once upon a time, Lunar Cultivation was simply the norm, but we’ve forgotten. Relevant for all gardeners, farmers, horticulturists and humans (afterall…how our foods are grown, from the moment their seed is sown, can impact the health of us all). Saturday’s workshop will make for an intriguing day for anyone – grower, or no…and I simply cannot wait! I know we rather sprang the date on you late in the day; for want of you making the most of Phoebe’s just released 2024/25 Almanac and the upcoming spring/summer crop rotation, but how we would love a few more peeps to join this gentle day! You can find all the details and the booking form here.

Next…someone drew my attention to the booking page for our Garden Journey with The Stones’ Jeremy Valentine on Friday 27 September reading as fully subscribed: there are in fact still half a dozen places left and the web page has been reopened to reflect the glitch…I’m sorry if you’ve been trying to make a booking. The link to that event is here.

And last…the latest batch of Essential Work Dresses have arrived! All the pre-orders have been posted and now the dust has settled, I can let you know I now have the new denim colour as well as the original natural in all sizes in stock (not very many of each, but I’ve been out of stock of sizes S and M in all colours for a very long time). Unfortunately the cost of the new stock dresses has risen (I had managed to keep them at the old price for several years but this time around it’s just not possible). So…if you’re hoping for a size XS, L or XL in the immediate future and would like to order via the website, please contact me and place your order in the next few days before I alter the price on the web page. Of course if you’re coming here, the old stock dresses will remain at the original price ’til sold but I’ll have to alter the price on the website to accommodate the new batch and if I make two different prices it will probably cause the site to go into meltdown! If you’re hoping for new stock and the new colour – perhaps just send me a message so I can make a note and arrange a transaction manually ’til I change the web page…which I’ll aim to do in the next week.

Spring is springing…and how glorious she is. How I’ll hope to see you here on Saturday, to revel in the blossom aside from anything else! In the meantime, enjoy this evening’s super moon (couldn’t resist!) and no I haven’t gone loony!

Sending warmest wishes,


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