Building up the Kitchen Garden each new season is tremendously exciting.  In case you haven’t noticed, I have an obsession (a healthy one?!) with twig structures and enclosures, and I delight in experimenting with their use.  The very nature of the ‘traditional’ side of our kitchen garden enables me to build some repetitive structures and I find the end result thrilling. Gradually, they will be overtaken by green growth and hopefully it won’t be long before they are dripping in beans and swathed in tomatoes, but I really enjoy the twigs for their own form at this early stage of the season.

By great contrast, the ‘guild’ side of our kitchen garden is playing it wild and loose….with a sea of fennel, celery, parsnip & chard in flower, providing height, and in turn, dappled shade for the new season’s seedlings, while their flowers attract bees and ladybirds.  

I’m not finished planting yet, there are still many gaps to fill.  Which is as it should be…..and successional sowing should ensure we have veg throughout the season…..