THANKFUL FOR SOIL a film screening at Glenmore House

Matthew Evans features in Thankful for Soil

Hello everyone,

How very excited I am to invite you to THANKFUL FOR SOIL on SUNDAY 18 AUGUST: a double screening of two FILMS, LUNCH and a CONVERSATION.

You often hear me mention my belief there’s no beauty without substance: and at the heart of substance, our very existence is SOIL. Which is why I’m thrilled to present the opportunity for you to engage with this topic in a very down-to-earth and truly captivating manner via the means of two delightful films:

The first SIX INCHES OF SOIL is a British production that follows the regenerative approach taken by three young farmers, alongside an amusingly animated crash-course in the history of where man has gone awry (over the centuries) in his care of soil…how we can encourage it to repair and even to grow. The second THANKFUL FOR SOIL follows five inspiring Australian farmers doing their very best, via regenerative practice to show us the way.

Thankful for Soil is brought to us by SUZANNAH COWLEY who founded Nviro Media 8 years ago to produce films to inspire change – passionate as she is about the environment, agriculture, creating a better future for our farmers and all who eat food. Suzannah will be leading the afternoon’s conversation with soil superhero RHONDA DALY (those who attended the Land Gardeners’ event here last year will know exactly who I mean – Rhonda is high up in their estimation of soil / land gurus (even from the other side of the world) and she’s a true and fun force of nature. We’ll also have EMMA JANE MILOSEVIC who from day one, instigated regenerative practices into the land she farms on Mabellae Farm in the Southern Highlands. She’s a passionate advocate for regenerative farming practice and soil; a member of the newly formed community organisation Sustainable Table and with a longterm career in food guiding her decision making – she knows how important this subject is. Oh and me…because the stuff that underpins everything here at Glenmore, is soil. That said, I’ll take a lesser part as I really want to listen to the others!

This is a day for EVERYONE! Not just gardeners and not just farmers…it’s for EATERS! We all eat. Where farmers and gardeners are likely more inclined to be familiar with some of the information in these films, as eaters who are neither gardener nor farmer, this soil narrative may not be a path to which you’ve been naturally drawn. For all of us though, these two emotive…indeed powerful and inspiring films, contain so much easily digestible information, presented as they are in a nutshell. 

Both films are full of hope…of possibility for a better future…if only we all take part by way of encouraging those on the land to do the very best they can by supporting their endeavours. The films and conversation will give you a good understanding (the tools if you like) to comprehend the way it’s possible to shore up our future food security, our own health and do right by the environment.

The day will begin with a little herbal tisane on arrival before you take your seats in the Dairy to watch Six Inches of Soil. A simple lunch in the loggia will warm you through and following that fabulous film,  I expect very animated conversation at the lunch table to prevail! We’ll then ask you to literally take your seats back into the Dairy for the screening of Thankful for Soil, to be followed by our gripping conversation (after which we’ll expect to answer all your questions). After tea and cake to wind up the day, you will be very welcome to take a spin around the very wintry garden, to pop into the Barn and I reckon you’ll go home with your head all abuzz!

All the details and the booking form are here. If you have any questions, please do get in touch

At the beginning of this event year which was, as I indicated it may be, heavily loaded with book and food events, I promised more garden-focussed ones to follow in the second half. I’m lining them up and can’t imagine a better or more heartfelt topic with which to launch in…soil.

How all of us – Suzannah, Rhonda, Emma Jane and I look forward to seeing you here for a stimulating winter Sunday that will be well worth your coming out of hibernation to attend!

With very warm wishes


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