When wig-wams or tee-pees (whichever you prefer) are made at the beginning of each season, one can only hope that the seed planted at their feet will ‘take’ and grow…..and grow, and grow….entwining itself in a manner that is just ‘so’.
It doesn’t always work, but I’m so delighted with this particular example this season – there are others, but this one is my favourite! The frame is made from fruit-tree prunings that all have a pleasing form, while rattlesnake beans dangle in profusion and the odd cucumber arrives each week. The leaves of the cucumber are a lively green: large in form, they ensure a sense of delicate shade as they flutter in the breeze.
I’ll be sad to see its demise in a month or so – like everything in the kitchen garden, you must enjoy the moment, for what is here today will almost certainly be gone tomorrow…..