Summer surprises….

Summer surprises….

While all the garden battles the heat and the summer veg are doing their best just to get properly established, some dainty delights are peeking from their hiding places.  To my surprise, this Sunset runner bean is the first to flower (I rarely have much luck with her...
Season’s progress….

Season’s progress….

Things are making a move now……over these last weeks the seed (mostly) has sprouted and tentative growth begun.  Most tomato plants have settled in, strengthened their stems (hopefully they and the cucumber seedlings are over the fragile stage when...
Seasonal tasks….

Seasonal tasks….

The last week has disappeared in a flurry of activity….I really meant to post this image of our structure-building efforts this time last week, but with preparation for Saturday’s Summer Kitchen Gardening day, I got a bit distracted. Then the scene was no...
Spring run-down….

Spring run-down….

All the citrus trees have been in blossom these last weeks – oranges, cumquats, mandarins and lemons, ensuring the garden is filled with their heady perfume (which is truly one of my favourite scents of all).  Sadly though, we’re nearing the end of the...