Big oranges….

Big oranges….

Now there’s a sight I like to see on a winter morning…a colander full of oranges on the kitchen window sill!  Oranges take forever to ripen, but as a rule, when all is well, we have our own fruit from July through to December.  These are Washington...
Winter bright….

Winter bright….

A chance comment (as I was buying a jar of delicious raw honey at the local market on Saturday morning) had me scratching my head (well, mentally at least), as I continued to wander, crossing items off my list. ‘I have to feed my bees honey at this time of year...
Little oranges….

Little oranges….

Ah the Clementines….they seemed to come & go so very quickly this year! Then I guess we did offer rather a lot at the Winter Concert, and that wretched large black crow has been taking at least one a day (I’ve discovered a completely clean, empty...
Grape result….

Grape result….

You may recall a few months ago I promised to report back on the great grape experiment…. Well….its been an interesting one!  I must admit that the vast majority of grapes dried to nothing but a puff of empty skin…simply a shell of their former...
Sweet peas of mine….

Sweet peas of mine….

While on the topic of peas….the very first sweet peas are beginning to flower!  This very old-fashioned & highly fragrant one, Painted Lady, was developed in England in 1731. (I was scouring my Diggers catalogue and see where ‘In 1699 Sicilian monk...
Pea time….

Pea time….

It’s early days….but they’re on the way….I split the first purple case & plucked a row of peas to eat two weeks ago now, and the number is increasing by the day!  While these ones are not the sweetest of shelling peas to eat raw (at a...