And so the countdown to Open Garden begins!  2 weeks away, ’til 2 & 3 May, with preparations well underway!  

The kitchen garden has newly-built structures of beautiful black bamboo that Alex and I cut over at Brownlow Hill a month or so ago. (For those who attended the Collectors’ Plant Fair last weekend….yes, all our work came down; the rods were bundled onto the back of the ute, to be re-built in the garden here during the course of last week, so that at last, we were able to plant our pea and broad bean seed – a little later than I’d have liked, but at this stage in the season, it’s been all about the soil, then the structures, now the seed).

While some early autumn leaves have already fluttered to the ground, the vast majority are only just at the beginning of their colourful passage, so I’m hoping the weather will be kind and allow and encourage them to do their thing in the next fortnight. 

I’ll do my best to keep you up to date, and also hope to see you here!