Aromatic memento….

Aromatic memento….

It can be a challenge to devise a keepsake from the garden when large numbers are involved, and particularly at this time of year.  I found myself still wondering if I could produce enough of anything for our guests at Sunday’s Winter Concert, on Saturday...
Winter concert…

Winter concert…

The day dawned clear and gradually the garden filled with golden light….and great anticipation… Armfuls of winter flowering amaranth, elder, escallonia and fruiting olive were cut in the early morning chill, for a loose arrangement in the Dairy. The tables...
Ode to autumn open garden….

Ode to autumn open garden….

What a weekend!  It was crazy, it was huge, it was wet. Oh but it was fun!  And it was just wonderful to see so many beaming faces wandering the garden, gumboot-clad feet walking the Labyrinth, visitors juggling brollies with bunches of flowers and discoveries from...
Labyrinth is back….

Labyrinth is back….

A big thank you to Emily Simpson and her friend Desiree de Clerk for marking out the Labyrinth with spray paint yesterday between rain showers.  By the time Alex covered their endless swirl with sawdust, rays of late afternoon sunshine set the croquet lawn alight....
Open garden collaborations…

Open garden collaborations…

Much of the fun of our Open Garden is in collaborating with friends.  It was at our last Open Garden, celebrating 25 years, that I first managed (finally!) to launch a long-held dream to create a fair-like atmosphere at Glenmore, on a very intimate scale. It was...