Sep 20, 2021 | Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
For those of you who may….(perhaps!) be interested…..Richard Unsworth has written a delightful article about our garden at Glenmore in the August/September issue of Belle magazine, out now…. A big thank you to Richard for his interest in our Glenmore...
Sep 20, 2021 | Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
Yes, that’s me!!! Well…..not really…. I did ask Julie Jensen (Jensen’s Garden Centre at the end of our road) in passing, a couple of months ago, if perhaps I could borrow some of her prize-winning pumpkins for our Winter Concert (knowing that...
Sep 20, 2021 | Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
I imagine you might be thinking I’d have had enough by now. But there was one more thing I wanted to do. (Well, in fact there were two, but I was running out of time!). So instead of rushing, I elected to spend a quiet couple of hours, at the Chelsea Physic...
Sep 20, 2021 | Out & About, Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
If you thought the little adventure in France would spell the end of plant days, I’m afraid not….there’s more to come! Lots more…..and next on the agenda was the great RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Really it’s near impossible to know where...
Sep 20, 2021 | Out & About, Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
Oh how I love a gate…..especially one that partially obscures, that draws the eye and suggests that something wonderful is to be discovered when you step through to the other side! The gate to Le Jardin Plume suggests all these things, its rustic simplicity in...
Sep 20, 2021 | Out & About, Mickey's Blog, Delightful Discoveries
The next day we awoke to glorious blue sky and sunshine, which lit the birds-eye view of a section of one of a pair of herbaceous borders from our bedroom window beautifully! Belonging to dear friend Anna, it’s yet to reach its early summer peak, but the...