In the days before Instagram, Mickey kept a regular blog of snippets from Glenmore House.
You may enjoy looking back through them!

The GardenMickey's Blog
Honey scent….

Honey scent….

How I wish you were here today.....to plunge your nose into the deeply floral, honey perfume of Buddleija Black Knight's first flush of the season's blooms.  Totally intoxicating. Lucky visitors who are coming today - better get my skates on & stop floating on...

The GardenMickey's Blog


Back in the garden, Baptisia australis has joined the throng of deep pink Bourbon Madame Isaac Perreire roses and white valerian around the ponytail tree, pushing out the aquilegias after their early spring froth. I so love the intense blue of the false-indigo's,...

Mickey's Blog
Still Life Workshop….

Still Life Workshop….

Lights, paintbrushes......action!  Early morning in the Dairy yesterday was all quiet following Justin van den Berg's visit to set up the day before.  As pale sunlight filtered in, Justin's teacup painting, propped for inspiration, was set to delightful effect, and...