Newsletter Archive
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Interior Design with Adelaide Bragg
Design studio plotting… Hello everyone, How delighted and excited I am to invite you to join Interior Designer ADELAIDE BRAGG here on FRIDAY 18 last! Thrice thwarted, this time nothing is going to stand in...
Willow Workshop 2022
Some of last year's fabulous workshop characters! Hello everyone, It's time to release our much anticipated annual WILLOW WORKSHOP with PENNY SIMONS on FRIDAY 07 OCTOBER! That said, we never can be quite sure if it will...
in the Kitchen Garden Spring/Summer
Behind the wire…a beauty whose taste I'm not yet quite sure about! Hello everyone, Hot on the heels of the Insta Live conversation with Charlie Albone on Tuesday evening and with spring gathering apace, I thought it timely to release the...
Early Spring Perfumery & Citrus Celebration
They may be small but…here is pure intoxication in a tiny blossom… Hello everyone, How I hope you will be tempted to join CRAIG ANDRADE aka THE RACONTEUR and me for our EARLY SPRING PERFUMERY & CITRUS CELEBRATION on SUNDAY 25...
Spring Garden & Morning Tea
Blossom, citrus and… Hello everyone, I'd like to invite you to celebrate the arrival of spring, with a very mini-scale OPEN GARDEN & MORNING TEA on SUNDAY 04 SEPTEMBER! With the winter solstice behind us and the winter...
Winter Celebration Follow Up
Still (somewhat surprisingly) they flower! Hello everyone, Wowsers what a week! How I hope you've managed to keep above the water line? I know it's a dire situation for too many...not far from here either and my heart goes out to all those affected....
Winter Celebration
Irrepressible winter beauty... Hello everyone, I'm in the mood to release a series of new events for the remainder of the year (we've past the winter solstice - woohoo!) and to kick them off, the first is for music lovers!...
Follow-up Autumn Kitchen Gardening
Peek-a-boo! All wrapped up, leeping the white cabbage moth at bay... Hello everyone, Just a gentle reminder...and some excitement in the planning...see below! An enthusiastic little clutch of peeps have booked to join me here next week (so after the...
Autumn Kitchen Gardening
Hiding under giant leaves...destined for the lunch table! Hello everyone, How excited I am to invite you to join me for the very first kitchen gardening day of the year: inTHE KITCHEN GARDEN LATE AUTUMN/EARLY WINTER on SATURDAY...
HERBAL GARDEN late autumn/early winter
Herbal tisanes from the garden… Hello everyone, How delighted I am to invite you to join me and ANTHIA KOULLOUROS for our LATE AUTUMN/EARLY WINTER HERBAL GARDEN & SEASONAL EATING FOR HEALTH event on SATURDAY 21 MAY....
Follow-up Petal Pounding & Preservation Dyeing with India Flint
Zinnia-mania still going strong… Hello all, There are just a handful of places left at our never before and perhaps never-to-be-repeated PETAL POUNDING & PRESERVATION DYEING -WORKSHOP with INDIA FLINT on SUNDAY 01 MAY (for events that depend on the...
Lavender Botanical Water Release
Lavender Days... Hello everyone, Lavender magical those first few days of the New Year were! Yes they were (although I know it's quite hard to imagine just now!)...baking hot, with a ferocious sun beating down from...
Petal Pounding & Preservation Dyeing with India Flint
Zinnia-mania… Hello everyone, When I mentioned in the 'autumn update' newsletter that I was treading literally with fear, trepidation and great care in one little pocket of the garden...I wasn't kidding! These bursts of pure, colourful joy...
Autumn Update
A welcome burst of yellow…(Jerusalem artichoke flower) Hello everyone, Heavens these last weeks have brought their challenges! How I hope you're working your way through any that have arisen for you; have plugged the leaks and had the opportunity to...
Captured in a fleeting moment of sunshine… Hello everyone, My goodness we seem to be hurtling from one calamity to another, don't we? Just as one disaster subsides, another seems to raise its ugly head, bringing furious consequences. I do hope you've weathered this...
Late Summer Perfumery
Pure, sensory delight… Hello everyone, How excited I am to invite you to our LATE SUMMER PERFUMERY & CANDLE MASTERCLASS with CRAIG ANDRADE, aka THE REACONTEUR on SUNDAY 13 MARCH. I've been longing to set this date and share it with you ever since our initial...
Futuresteading with Jade Miles
Futuresteading...a way of life... Hello everyone, Just a little reminder that we have JADE MILES author of FUTURESTEADING coming here next week on SATURDAY 5 MARCH for a gentle CONVERSATION and AFTERNOON TEA....
New Year Beginnings
New year's day in the field… Hello everyone, How I hope this finds you well…somewhat rested and looking forward (even if with some trepidation) to whatever this new year holds in store. Perhaps I've been a bit slow getting things off the mark…but on the other hand...
Christmas 2021
Dahlia burst... Wishing you all a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS, SUMMER HOLIDAY & NEW YEAR It's time to down rest, reflect, rejuvinate and inhale the sweet air that (here at least) is filled with the hedgerow scent of flowering carrot; fig...
Wild and abundant at every turn… Hello everyone, It's true…thanks to the extraordinarily wet spring, things are truly wild and abundant at every turn! While last week there was a definite romantic charm to the mayhem…this week I'm wondering if the garden like me,...