Field of Flowers Workshops

Of Colour, perfume…and play…

Hello everyone,

I’m near bursting at the seams to share news with you about the FIELD of FLOWERS WORKSHOPS! They’ve been on my far horizon for so very long…(I first had to grow the field!) and knowing the time is near to releasing them is very, very exciting! 

My intention is for the days to be intoxicating…experiential, playful and colourful…filled with the pure joy of immersion…in flowers.

How thrilled I was to run a trial last week with just two participants. I wanted to see if their level of excitement equalled my own and…’twould seem it did! 

Now I simply can’t wait to share these days with you…

I’m not going to describe exactly how they will unfurl because that would take away the element of surprise! But I will reveal that a gentle introduction during morning tea will be followed by a good sojourn in the field, a little garden ramble then petal-filled play in the Dairy to complete a very full morning. A simple field-picnic-style lunch (at a table!) will punctuate the day’s activities. Then…we’ll carry out a distillation, where we’ll capture the pure essence of one day…in a bottle.

No prior experience, knowledge or particular level of fitness is required and I’ve no doubt any age will be enchanted. The days will present an opportunity to dream…to breathe, to lose yourself…to participate and drift and engage with your imagination. Of course there will be much to learn and absorb…if you want to! the tricky part! The weather must be fine and I must have a full flush of botanical material for you to play with…

Right from the off I’ve realised that there is a catch, in that these days will always be in the hands of mother nature…their timing guided by the season…the sun, the rain…regardless of any intervention by me. Over the years gardening has taught me to yield to these elements, which requires a certain amount of spontaneity and flexibility. And so it is that FIELD of FLOWERS WORKSHOPS are going to require you too, if you’re keen to participate (and how I hope you will be) to act on impulse!

Which is why at this stage I simply ask that you get in touch, to put your name on the Field of Flowers List. Let me know if there is a day of the week that suits best (or doesn’t)…no Mondays please! In choosing a date (as far out as I can) I will be keeping a close eye on both the weather and the buds. An opportunity may arise next week…or not until next year! But it will happen…and there may be a spate of dates almost in a row and then a lull. If you’re on the list, I’ll be in touch just as soon as I have an inkling!

A more crazy idea may never have been suggested! What I can tell you is that when you do eventually get here, it will put a big, big smile on your face. So please join the list! (Just pop Field of Flowers in the subject and I’ll reply). If I can run one before Christmas I will…otherwise, it will be…well…we’ll just have to wait and see! And think too, about it being a lovely way to get together with a group of friends…(you’re very welcome to suggest a few dates to me too).

It will make the most idyllic day out of them all! You will find just a few more details here!

With very best wishes,


ps don’t forget the TWILIGHT GARDEN VISIT, on SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER. Bookings are at a steady trickle but we can take a few more! The hydrangeas are on their lovely journey to colour now…and the garden is hitting its long stride into summer bliss. Details and the booking form are here.

pps don’t think for a moment that I’ve given up on the kitchen garden! It underpins my daily routine…is my way of life, our food…but equally, there is more to life too!

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