
Hello everyone,

My how all of a sudden the months are hurtling along! I can’t believe I’m inviting you to the final in the year of our scentsational seasonal series with CRAIG ANDRADE, aka THE RACONTEUR this time for our LATE SPRING PERFUMERY & CANDLE MASTERCLASS  on SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER!

What an olfactory revelation each one of these intoxicating days has been. The loveliest thing is…that Craig has now had the opportunity to see the garden journey through its annual scent-cycle, and each time has declared that this day must surely be the most delightful yet! When I say he’s seen it all…well…almost, as there’s always some in-between surprise that escapes his visit. For example when we began the series with the very first in November last year, we just missed one of the most overwhelming annual perfumes of all: that of Rosa brunonii or the Himalayan musk…the impossibly thorny rose that clambers all over the long fence between the house drive and paddock. It’s an annual vision to behold, swamping the air all around with its heady perfume that spills inside too, through open windows. So this year, I secured the closest likely date I could find in Craig’s crowded calendar to coincide with this beauty at its peak, in hope that both he and we can experience this giddy moment together! (Of course this will most likely be at the expense of another spectacle…it’s probably marginally too early for the first blooms of the Burmese honeysuckle which we swooned over last year but…it’s very difficult to have it all!).

Following our successful experiment to include a distillation at our last workshop and if the weather is in our favour…we just might be able to include one this time too! Last time everyone picked orange blossom which was a joy (and went home with a little bottle of orange blossom water as well as their candle!)…perhaps this time we’ll have you picking these roses; to see by example one method of how the pure essence of plants is captured…truly bringing Craig’s scent-storytelling to life.  

Either way, the day will begin with an introduction over morning tea, followed by a glorious garden ramble where we pick, sniff and discuss…gathering a bounty as we go. Later, Craig will sort our collection into fragrance family groups…creating a purposeful and beautiful tablescape of specimens for the afternoon’s perfumery component and then…the candle masterclass. Each time the days are brimming with flowers and aromatic foliage alongside learning by example and storytelling. 

Of course, there will be lunch…seasonal and garden-inspired to punctuate the day…as always. 

How we hope you will join us, for a day of pure late spring sensory immersion.

All the details and the booking form are here and as ever, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

With  very best wishes,


ps there are just a handful of places at TOMORROW’s MID-SPRING GARDEN VISIT and LUNCH…but  only if you’re quick…I’m cooking today in prep, so please don’t leave it beyond midday for any last-minute spontaneous bookings! It promises to be a lovely way to while away an afternoon…and the weather is actually looking promising!

pps if you scroll back through the @glenmorehouse Instagram posts, you’ll discover a multitude of images from the last perfumery workshop…a glimpse into what you might expect this time (roughly 11 rows  down!). And…if you’d like to see how the Poppy Workshop unfurled…you’ll find a plethora of Insta poppy-pics here…it was enchanting!

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