Bread & Butter, Holly Davis

That illusive sourdough starter will be yours…

Hello everyone

Last week I alluded to an upcoming sprinter cooking workshop and almost on cue the season seems to be turning!  

It’s with enormous delight that I invite you to SOURDOUGH BREAD, BUTTER & PICKLES with HOLLY DAVIS on SUNDAY 20 AUGUST. I cannot imagine a more delightful way to see out the winter season. 

SOURDOUGHsurely it can’t just be me who failed to get a starter off the block during lockdown? And yet…I still hanker after baking my own loaves! So I asked Holly if including a starter for each participant to take home might be possible. “Yes” she replied…everyone can take home a little of ‘Joseph’…her reliable, years old marvel! Well…what a treat would that be…taking part one out of this seemingly illusive equation! As if that isn’t exciting and enticing enough, each participant will also take home their dough, made under Holly’s guidance, to prove…and bake…so this workshop will literally have your sourdough journey on the road!

“Why stop at sourdough?” asked this internationally renowned and respected cook and queen of ferments? “Let’s make butter!” Seriously??? Oh how much fun – now we’re really talking my language! (Oh that all phone conversations could be this thrilling!). So you’ll also take home…butter! And then there will be pickles…we’ll frolic in the kitchen garden to pick and then pickle. Holly will bring some she made earlier for our actual lunch, but this is going to be a workshop of lesson upon lesson in good food basics we really just ought to know.

Holly’s career is steeped in whole, delicious food, seasonal produce, gut health and food prepared with love. I’ve been wanting to invite her here for years but somehow it’s just never happened – ’til now. But we all know the best things are worth waiting for!

Do join us – this is going to be enormously productive, informative and fun. More details and the booking form are here. I cannot wait and will look forward to seeing you here!

With very best wishes as always,


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