Rag rug braiding…

Hello everyone

An unexpected opportunity to host a RAG RUG WORKSHOP with artist ILKA WHITE on SUNDAY 09 JULY has popped up and I simply couldn’t resist the temptation to say yeslet’s do it!

What a fabulous winter’s day activity! Rag (or braided) rugs always seem to say ‘home sweet home’ to me…American as apple pie? Methinks their roots must surely be steeped in early folkloric (alongside thoughtful/practical/sustainable) tradition. 

Ilka is a respected artist “whose practice reflects her love of the handmade and contemporary use of traditional making methods. An experienced and dedicated teacher, she’s a great believer in the ability of beauty and creativity to lift the spirit. Her practice spans textiles, cross-disciplinary collaboration and art-in-community.”  On the day, Ilka promises tales of her Grandma’s rag rug making and a rhapsody on spiralling pattern recognition

As Ilka lives in Victoria (and a bit like me…finds it near impossible to leave her garden!) this is a rare opportunity to catch her whilst she’s on the road. Introduced by our mutual friend India Flint (who attended one of Ilka’s workshops last year and found the experience to be utterly divine), now it’s your turn! 

I’ll set a gentle fire and we’ll bring in some extra heaters, but I’m thinking you might want to bring Ugg boots and a pair of fingerless gloves! It sounds like a pumpkin or Tuscan peasant soup kind of day to me…so I’ll make something to put roses in your cheeks at the lunch table!

Whilst we will ask  you to bring along some old cloth or rags of your own to work with ((I know I have a cupboard full…old sheets, Larry’s shirts etc!) Nan at PIGOTT’S STORE has promised to bring a swag of offcucts of her pretty hand-blocked cottons for everyone to delve into. Well, there’s a bundle of colourful joy before we even begin!

All the details and the booking form are here and if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

With very best wishes,


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