Spring in the Kitchen Garden with Mickey

Rocket flower today, seed pod tomorrow….

Hello everyone

How excited I am to invite you to a very timely workshop: SPRING in THE KITCHEN GARDEN on SATURDAY 09 SEPTEMBER.

The air may be infused just now with blossom and the sweet scent of jasmine; the ornamentals springing back into life with tender new shoots and nascent buds post winter hibernation (they’ve all been pruned, fed and blanketed with mulch) but it’s now my attention must turn to the kitchen garden. Here, the beds are burgeoning with sprinter produce, and my mind is whirring into an action plan of seasonal activity!

What an ideal moment for you to revisit kitchen gardening know-how, to begin afresh or indeed to begin your very own kitchen gardening journey.

Although the 12 month podcast series I recorded is as relevant today as ever (and still available to listen to with its supporting notes & images) nothing can compare with spending time in the kitchen garden in real time, in conversation and with example of all topics right before your eyes. As ever we’ll discuss design principles, organic methods, veg family groups, crop rotation, companion planting, structures, pests…literally everything from seed to soil, for you to apply to your own garden, be it large or small. Yes, the garden here is big, but the beauty of immersion here on such a day is that you have the opportunity to see planting combinations that can work in even the tiniest space. And of course…we’ll taste our way around the garden as we go!  

The kitchen garden here continues to provide the best part of our daily diet, as well as to regulate my own daily routine, my connection to each day of the season and to nature herself. After all these years since launching Kitchen Gardening Days at Glenmore House and despite the many tangents I pursue and guests I invite to share their depth of understanding in their respective fields, its still my absolute joy to share the knowledge I’ve gleaned for a kitchen-gardening way of life.

The beating heart of the garden and epicentre of every event that takes place (regardless of topic); it’s the kitchen garden that guides, provides and supports; its beauty and bounty the touchstone for all who visit. How I would love for you to join me at this pivotal moment in the season.

All the details and the booking form are here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. No previous experience is required but I’ll also be happy to see you if you’re well underway or simply making a return visit for a burst of seasonal inspiration!

Til then, happy gardening.

With very best wishes,


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